Thursday, March 5, 2015

And so it begins...

     I've been told that I should start a blog, and what better way to account for the journey of having a new baby  other than blogging!  For years I have read blogs. My husband will tell you, I thought blogs were silly. Then I came across The Small Things Blog on Pinterest and immediately became addicted to see what awesome new things Kate was up to. She only had the cutest hair, clothes, shoes, decorations, life, etc...I was peanut butter and jealous for sure. So, one thing led to another and I was following multiple blogs. I would come up with an idea for something and when my husband would ask where I came up with it, the answer was always, "I saw it on a blog somewhere." So, here I am starting my own little blog, minus the awesome cool hair, clothes, shoes, decorations, life, etc...(haha, I'm no Kate from the Small Things Blog, that's for sure).
     So, for my life, it's another snow day in the Roach household. I just happen to be off today (I'm a nurse) and Jason (the hubster) didn't have school, which means no basketball game. Last night's sectional game was rescheduled to tonight due to snow and now tonight's game has also been rescheduled due to MORE snow!! But, as inconvenient it is for him, in my eyes it's ok because now we get to celebrate his BIRTHDAY TODAY!! Yup, today is his 31st birthday. Where has the time gone?? Birthday's are quickly becoming just another day for the both of us. The older you get the less important they seem to be, which is totally ok for both of us. 
     Instead of boring you with all the details of what's new in our exciting (boring, really) life, I'll wait until I have a little more time to sit and share all the boring deets of my somewhat decent pregnancy so far. Until then!!
Happy Birthday Babe!!!

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